Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) Records
Call Number
Language of Materials
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) is a progressive media watch organization founded in 1986 by journalist Jeff Cohen. FAIR publishes Extra!, a magazine of media criticism, and produces Counterspin, a radio news program. It is active against censorship, and advocates for diversity, and the break up of the dominant media conglomerates. The collection includes correspondence (mostly of Jeff Cohen), internal documents, and back issues of publications.
Historical/Biographical Note
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), a progressive media watch organization that works with journalists and activists, was founded in 1986 by journalist Jeff Cohen. FAIR publishes Extra!, a magazine of media criticism, and produces Counterspin, a radio news program. FAIR conducts media research, produces reports (notably through its Womens' Desk and Racism Watch Desk units), opposes censorship, and advocates for greater diversity and representation of minority viewpoints. FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, to establish independent public broadcasting, and to promote strong non-profit sources of information.
Folders are arranged alphabetically.
Scope and Content Note
This collection contains correspondence (mostly that of Jeff Cohen), internal documents, reports and studies, editorial material pertaining to Extra!, back issues (1992) of Counterspin: A Memo on Campaign Coverage from FAIR, published and unpublished writings by Jeff Cohen and others, a file on FAIR's Los Angeles chapter, and another on related organizations.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open without restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright (and related rights to publicity and privacy) to materials in this collection created by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
Published citations should take the following form:
Identification of item, date; Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) Records; TAM 282; box number; folder number;
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Donated by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) in 1994. The accession number associated with this collection is 1994.005.
Custodial History
The archived website was migrated from the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service to the Internet Archive's Archive-It Service in November 2015. The link to California Digital Library was removed in October 2017.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at https://archive-it.org/organizations/567.
About this Guide
Processing Information
In 2014, the archived website was added as a series.