Michael Letwin Papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
Michael Letwin was involved with the International Socialists (IS) and later with the International Socialist Organization (ISO), founded by expelled members of the IS in 1977. For three decades Letwin was also active in the peace movement. Letwin was also president of the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys in New York City for 13 years until he lost re-election in 2002, in part because of his opposition to the war in Afghanistan. The first series (1 linear ft., processed), along with documentation of his own activities, contains a variety of materials regarding cooperative living at Morningside Gardens, in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. The second series (31.5 linear ft., unprocessed), contains subject files (1978-2007) on the Afghan and Iraq Wars; Criminal Justice, principally in New York City and New York State; Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of New York City, 1990-2001; Labor; New York City Police Department; Racism; Racist Violence.
Historical/Biographical Note
Michael Letwin was involved with the International Socialists (IS) at the time of a split between the majority of the party and a group known as the Left Faction. After the Left Faction split from the main body of the IS, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) was formed by Left Faction leaders Calvin and Barbara Winslow. In 1983 the ISO underwent a crisis when the leadership of the Winslows was called into question, and the Winslows stepped down from their leadership positions. Letwin was also president of the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys in New York City for 13 years until he lost re-election in 2002, in part because of his opposition to the war in Afghanistan.
As of August 2020, Michael Letwin's personal website contains a more full biography. It can be accessed here: https://michaelletwin.wordpress.com/
Folders are arranged alphabetically into two series based on when the materials were received: Series I: Subject Files, 1957-1992, and Series II: Subject Files, 2010 Accession (Containing the subseries: Afghan and Iraq Wars; Criminal Justice; Giuliani, Rudy; Labor; New York City Police Department; Racism; Racist Violence).
Scope and Content Note
The first series, Subject Files, 1957-1992, contains documentation of the International Socialists (IS) from July 1976 to March 1977, when a group of dissenters called the Left Faction was expelled. The collection has minutes of meetings from this time period, presentations given by members of the Left Faction, resolutions from both sides and correspondence between members of the IS, the International Socialists Great Britain (ISGB), the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and the International Socialists Canada. The collection also contains information from Michael Letwin's grandmother, Manya Zurow, about the co-operative housing development Morningside Gardens. Included are meeting minutes from a variety of organizations managing the property, information about various services offered by Morningside Gardens, and items of ephemera from day-to-day living in the co-op. There are also files of Letwin's friend and collaborator Alina Tugend. The collection also contains a variety of flyers from peace movement activities from the 1960s through the early 1990s. The bulk of the material is from activities in New York City, but there is also information on activities in Los Angeles in the early 1970s. Most of the NYC material is from the Riverside Church Disarmament Program, but many organizations are represented in the collection. The second series, Subject Files, 2010 Accession (29 linear ft., unprocessed), contains subject files (1978-2007) on the Afghan and Iraq Wars, (6.5 linear ft.); Criminal Justice, principally in New York City and New York State (10 linear ft.); Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of New York City, 1990-2001 (2 linear ft.); Labor (1 linear ft.); New York City Police Department (10 linear ft.); Racism (6 linear ft.); Racist Violence (1 linear ft.). Each box in Series II is labeled with a list of contents (see box-level scope and contents below, in the container list).
Conditions Governing Access
There is no deed to this collection. Donor verbally communicated access restrictions to the Tamiment curator but these restrictions were not documented. Materials donated in 2018 relating to Letwin's work with the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys UAW Local 2325 are restricted until 2048.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (or related rights to publicity and privacy) for materials in this collection, created by Michael Letwin was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
Identification of item, date; Michael Letwin Papers; TAM 464; box number; folder number; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Location of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Materials donated by Michael Letwin in circa 1977; Michael Letwin donated additional materials in 1990 and 2010. The accession numbers associated with these gifts are 1977.004 and 2010.042. Letwin donated an additional 9 boxes in 2018. The accession number associated with this gift is 2018.079.